Package-level declarations


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Represents a predicate function that produces a Boolean for a given Result, retry count Int, and elapsed time Duration.

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interface RetryPredicate

Represents a retry predicate that determines whether a block of code should be retried based on the result of its execution and the current retry count.


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Extension property that converts an Int to a RetryPredicate, which allows retries until the retry count reaches this integer minus one.

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A RetryPredicate implementation that checks whether the result is a failure.

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A RetryPredicate implementation that checks whether the result is null and not an error.

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Extension property on Duration to get a RetryPredicate that limits the retry time to this duration.

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A RetryPredicate implementation that checks whether the result is null or an error.


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Returns a RetryPredicate that determines if a retry should be performed based on the number of attempts made. It will allow retries as long as the retry count is less than the specified number (n) minus one.

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inline fun on(crossinline predicate: PredicateFunction): RetryPredicate

Returns a RetryPredicate that mirrors the result of the given predicate. It will allow retries when the predicate returns false.

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inline fun <T> onResultType(): RetryPredicate

Returns a RetryPredicate that checks if the result is of the specified type T.

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Returns a RetryPredicate that limits the retry time to the specified duration. The predicate will allow retries as long as the elapsed time since the first attempt is less than duration.

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inline fun until(crossinline predicate: PredicateFunction): RetryPredicate

Returns a RetryPredicate that negates the result of the given predicate lambda function. It will allow retries until the predicate returns true.

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Returns a RetryPredicate that checks if the result is not of the specified type T.