
interface DelayStrategy

Represents a strategy for computing delay times based on an index.

Complex delay strategies can be composed using arithmetic operators and min/max coercion methods





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open fun coerceAtLeast(minimumValue: Duration): DelayStrategy

Ensures that the delay durations of this strategy are at least of the specified minimumValue.

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open fun coerceAtMost(maximumValue: Duration): DelayStrategy

Ensures that the delay durations of this strategy are at most of the specified maximumValue.

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Ensures that the delay durations of this strategy are within the specified duration range.

open fun coerceIn(minimumValue: Duration, maximumValue: Duration): DelayStrategy

Ensures that the delay durations of this strategy are within the specified range.

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open operator fun div(divisor: Double): DelayStrategy

Divides the delay duration of this strategy by the given double divisor when get is called for a given index.

open operator fun div(divisor: Int): DelayStrategy

Divides the delay duration of this strategy by the given integer divisor when get is called for a given index.

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abstract operator fun get(index: Int): Duration

Gets the delay for the given retry index.

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open operator fun minus(other: DelayStrategy): DelayStrategy

Combines this strategy with another by subtracting their delay durations when get is called for a given index.

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open operator fun plus(other: DelayStrategy): DelayStrategy

Combines this strategy with another by summing their delay durations when get is called for a given index.

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open operator fun times(factor: Double): DelayStrategy

Multiplies the delay duration of this strategy by the given double factor when get is called for a given index.

open operator fun times(factor: Int): DelayStrategy

Multiplies the delay duration of this strategy by the given integer factor when get is called for a given index.

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open operator fun unaryMinus(): DelayStrategy

Inverts the delay duration of this strategy when get is called for a given index.

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open operator fun unaryPlus(): DelayStrategy

Returns this delay strategy unchanged. This function exists mainly for symmetry purposes.

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Combines a DelayStrategy with a RetryPredicate to create a RetryPolicy.

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open fun withJitter(jitterFactor: Double, random: Random = Random.Default): DelayStrategy

Introduces jitter (randomness) to the retry delay, spreading out the timing of retries.